Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving holds a New meaning for me this year

So many people use today to look back and reminisce about their lives  in the past few days/months/years, however long, and to realize how fortunate they've been. Well my day was spent with very nice people, some complete strangers, some friends... but none of my family. After years of not spending the holiday seasons with them, you'd think it'd get easier, but it's just changed it's importance. Today is the day that I've officially made big decisions. Heck, I'm pretty sure that getting married would be on the same level as what I've voiced today. But alas, I'm still going to be single and have no intention of getting hitched ANY time soon. But what I can tell you is that BIG things are going to happen. God is not just leading me in a direction right now, he's shoving me off a cliff and saying, trust me. So for the first time in a long time, I'm going to truly try. Wow, it's scary, but really exhillirating at  the same time. As I've spent the night applying for cruise ship jobs, playing with a kitty that is just starting his life, I am left with this sense that my purpose is bigger than my life right now, bigger than I have any idea of. So I'm going to go to sleep tonight knowing that I have a great things ahead of me, new adventures, new friends, wonderful family, diehard  friends, and enjoyment! And believe me, I do not have the sick idea that I will not struggle or have my hardships, but they're going to be new and  I'm not going to let myself be stuck in this rut for any longer, being sucked into habits that I just can't seem to shake... And I'm thanking the dearest friend I have hear, and her listening/advising ear over Mexican, that I need to go forward. And sadly this will be without her by my side... but some friends stick forever! And I'm pretty sure that distance isn't going to stop r texts or venting sessions!  Bittersweet right now... but everything is looking upward and forward! And my thanks goes out to you Rach!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Felt So Good On My Lips

So I totally LOVE this song. I mean, how can you absolutely not just want to sing along? You can't! Since the first time I heard it, I hum it all the time. The lyrics are a bit questionable... but do-able... and heck, how can you not love something that "felt so good on my lips" This takes me back to the movie Old School when the beer touches his lips... but this is much more catchy, and I like the idea a lo more than the idea of that movie!  And I totally want someone to write a song like that about me... except I don't want it to involve a booty call. I just want pure innocent fun... that can turn into a serious, fun relationship if it so happens to... but really I just want someone to sing this song and think of me! Either way, I love it and will continue to turn the volume up super high and sing a long every time this song come on! Mmmm... the Good stuff!